This piece was created by April Greiman for Design Quartely in 1987. The picture is compose of digitized images from a low resolution printer. She was a great graphic designer and has made some stunning piecies. However, the piece below was not all that great to me. Okay I think its nice that she was able to take video and digitize them , while layering them. That whole aspect is good as it was the eighties, but to me this garbage anyone can put something like this together in my opinion. We live in age where anything can be put off as art. My opinion of the art world for most occassions is its all about who you know and money, and those are the people who become famous. Even if this picture took two years to create somebody else could have made something more inspiring. I find this picture disturbing. It sort of feels like a Dadaist picture to me. I do not like all the clutter in this collage with its subtle hints to the meaning of the design. I think this piece is distracting. The pros of this piece would be that she was able to put these many images together in this format during a time where technology was slowly progressing.